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Yonex Belgian Junior Master Brons Buggenhout 15.04.2023

Eis Spiller Chengyuan, Damast, Bob an Maximilian (mam Kader) waren den 15.04.2023 um Yonex Junior Master Brons Tournoi zu Buggenhout.

Do hunn se flott sportlech Erfarungen gemaach an och Top Resultater mat heem bruecht.

Den Chengyuan an Damst hunn den Dubbel U11 gewonnen.

Am Eenzel U11 ass den Chengyuan 3. ginn

De Bob a Maximilian sinn déi 2. am Dubbel U15 ginn.

Felicitatiounen un eis Spiller an e groussen Merci den Elteren fir hiren Asaz, a speziell dem Christiane fir d'Organisatioun


Chengyuan, Damast, Bob and Maximilian (with national team) took part on 15.04.2023 in the Yonex Belgian Junior Master Brons tournament in Buggenhout and came back with excellent results.

Chengyuan and Damast won the doubles  

3rd place for Chengyuan in singles <11

2nd place for Bob and Maximilian in doubles <U15

Congratulations to the players and a huge thank you to the parents for their help, and especially to Christiane for the organisation



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