Saison 2024-2025 Virbereedung / pre-season training
D'Saison 2024-2025 fänken mir nees mat engem Badmintonstage zu Fiesch un.
We start the new season with our traditional badminton camp in Fiesch.
Opbautraining ass ab Méindeg 02.09.
As of Monday 02nd of September we will start with the pre-season training.
Méindes / Mondays 02.09 / 09.09
Kids (11-15 years) 17.30h - 19.30h
Adults 19.30h - 21.30h
Mëttwochs / Wednesdays 04.09 / 11.09
Kids (11-15 years) 17.30h - 19.30h
Adults 19.30h - 21.30h
Fréides /Fridays 06.09 / 13.09
Kids (11-15 years) 17.30h - 19.30h
Adults 19.30h - 21.30h
Méindeg 16. September fänken mir mam normalen Training un
Regular training starts on Monday September 16th,2024